Friday, January 24, 2014

OPDL: Where Changes Should Be Made

As I've stated before, I think the idea of LTPD and the OPDL are very great in concept, but with that being said, I think there has been a major lack of communication and structural set up by the OSA with all the clubs involved in the process. There are many naysayers out there who appear to want this league to fail, while others think this is the saving grace for Canadian soccer. Where do I stand in this whole situation? Although I'd love to see this league succeed, unless there are changes made by the OSA quickly, I can't see this league obtaining its full purpose. From the majority of talk I am hearing via soccer blogs and twitter there are many flaws currently going on with the process at the moment (I don't know if the talk is all true, but I believe a lot of it is). I'm not going to get into prices, lack of inclusion of academies, demographics and other issues, but I will be talking about where the OSA/Clubs are still failing the players.

If the OPDL is supposed to be a league for Elite players...

When this league was introduced, many individuals believed (and still do) that this league is supposed to be for the "elite" players in the province. If this was the case the OSA failed miserably right from the get go.  Taken right from the OSA page, they describe the league as this:

"OPDL represents young players' early graduation to a genuine high performance training environment, targeting only the top athletes in the province from age groups U13 to U23 with what will be the highest level of competitive youth soccer in Ontario."

With this statement being made by the OSA, for the league to be truly for the top athletes, the way they granted teams should have been completely differently. If they wanted it to be for the "top players" (I find it a bit hard to claim 12/13 year olds are "top level players", then this league should have moved away from clubs being appointed teams, but instead ran as a district league. What this would allow for is to players from teams an opportunity to play relatively close to home (depending on district size),  provide clubs with an opportunity to pride themselves on how many players they could promote to the next level, costs could be unified being supplemented by clubs in that district having to pay some of their district fees to the program (they already give money from registrations to the district), and for the larger districts they could possibly have 2 teams.

Despite the OSA claiming that this is for the top athletes, they contradict themselves in other documents as they say that this league is about development of the player. With the development of the player being the focus of the league, from what is being talked about by individuals from the Ontario soccer world, then the clubs are failing from this aspect.

OPDL, the Developmental League...

With rumours circulating that many clubs are struggling to find players, and more importantly RELEASING players, clubs are failing, and despite the focus being about "development" the old problem of wanting the best players currently still exist. For those that follow me on twitter, you may know that sometimes Jason De Vos and I don't always see eye to eye on things, but yesterday we did come to an agreement on one major issue. After having a back and forth discussion I tweeted: 

"If it's about elite training then coaches should, be taking almost any decent player willing to join the program

Jason agreed with statement, and provided quite possibly the best response to what these clubs should be doing with 

"You are absolutely spot on. It's not about the kids who are currently "the best". It's about the ones if want to be.  

I couldn't agree with this anymore, if clubs are receiving players who want to get better by receiving elite training year round, and these coaches who were hired are really good at developing players based on their qualifications, then they shouldn't be releasing players (they obviously have to have a bit of skill), but instead they should be taking them in to develop these players so that the talent pool can increase. The problems of "low numbers" could be resolved by this.
Why are coaches supposedly releasing so many players that are wanting to join the program? Is it possible that despite results not mattering in this league, coaches and clubs still want to get a WINNING team on the pitch?


With the OPDL season slated to begin soon, the OSA and all the clubs need to make some changes to how this is being ran in order for it to operate properly. With development supposed to be the main focus of the league, players shouldn't be turned away, but instead embraced and taken in so that they can further their development so that in the long run they can actually produce some "elite" players in the future.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Multi-Sport Athlete

With the Canadian World Juniors not winning a medal in their 2nd consecutive World Championships, our nation believes that hockey needs to change how the grass roots level is operating. This was spear headed by head coach Brent Sutter's comments after their bronze medal game loss saying that kids are being forced to focus on results at a young age instead of developing their skills, and everything they do is to hockey oriented from such a young age. These comments got a lot of the youth soccer community talking as this is what they are trying to eliminate from the game in Canada. While getting in on this topic, I ended up getting into a lengthy discussion with a couple coaches about players who are multi-sport athletes, and thus don't "focus enough on their soccer development". The comment that really got me thinking was when one coach wrote:

"I have coached a boy’s team in the past with several high level hockey players and for them and their families the hockey always came first. Admittedly, these soccer players played the sport in the summer to keep fit and when they did not get the majority of playing time they were upset. As a coach I don’t want to build a team with such players being the corner stone. I have the greatest respect for those athletes who can compete at a high level in multiple sports, but that does not change the need for total commitment to the team. Both hockey and soccer are a 9 to 10 month a year sport and therefore there will be conflicts. As a coach I could not in good conscience give majority of the playing time to a player who does not practice regularly with the team between September to March. So I am not saying that my view is correct, but it is my view."

This got me really going because I don't agree with it at all, and believe that by penalizing individuals for being talented in more than one sport might actually drive them away from the game. In regards to this specific issue, in my eyes if the player is able to be one of your top players when they come back to join the team in the summer, and they are committed to the team, then they deserve to play more than a less skilled player on the team. This particular coach said it wasn't in the best interest of the team to build it around players who weren't around all year. If the coach is truly looking out for the best interest of the team, then they should be putting out their best players no matter what their commitment is in the winter. If the coach is looking for the best interest of the players (which should be the main focus), then this is taking away from those talented players who have talents in multiple sports.

Having coached a team with many multi-sport athletes, I never really cared to put much focus on the indoor portion of year by having a slightly leaner policy on attendance for training, and never entering into an indoor league.  I believe that allowing players to participate in other sports in the off season has many benefits because it  allows them to work on different skills that might not happen in soccer, allows them to analyse the game in different ways, and most importantly won't lead them to burning out from being too consumed with soccer at a young age that by the time they reach 15 or 16 they want to quit. What I noticed with my group when we first started playing games at the competitive level, the players who played other sports had a much better sense of positioning in comparison to other players who just played house league soccer the year before.

The argument then came up of if we want to be producing world class players in Canada, then they should focus on soccer to develop their skills. In regards to this, a true reality check needed to be given. At the end of the day, a very small percentage (1%) will end up going pro. To me, the players that do end up going far with the sport are the ones who truly want it (not their parents, not their coaches, not their coaches, or their peers). These are the players that will show up to every training session possible, go out on their own without being told, grab a ball work on their touches and watch games whenever they have the opportunity. To many times it is everybody else who wants to see a player excel in soccer, but the player themselves may not. If the player truly doesn't have the desire then even if they train 10 months a year with their club, they won't go anywhere.

My view on the multisport athlete is that parents shouldn't take it away from them if they can afford it, and the child is enjoying it. The athletes who have aspirations of getting to the next level will show that on their own by their actions away from the team. If they are a multisport athlete, when the time is right for them, they will make the decision as to which sport THEY want to focus on.